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Is it possible to exclude objects/object types from sqlpackage?

I would like to exclude certain object, for example all logins & users, from extract or publish operation of sqlpackage.exe.

This is possible from within Visual Studio, so I hope it is also possible from the sqlpackage.exe.

Or is it not possible?

The reason is that I would like to be able to auto-deploy to various environments/servers, where the logins & users are different.

NOTE: Logins & Users is only an example, the question is more general.

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SAS Avatar asked Jan 24 '14 11:01


4 Answers

It is now. Please update the tools and look at this post.


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Derek Smalls Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 01:11

Derek Smalls

I solved this problem by creating a DeploymentPlanModifier contributor (following their SchemaBasedFilter sample) that I pass-in through in an argument (/p:AdditionalDeploymentContributors) for SQLPackage.exe, it looks for any drop operations of security object types.

(Code on Prevent dropping of users when publishing a DACPAC using SqlPackage.exe)

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DanStory Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 00:11


Your best bet at this point is to look at doing this in post-deploy scripts and excluding all logins/users from your projects. We have similar issues where each environment has a different set of logins/users and SSDT just does not handle this well out of the box. I've written about the process we use on my blog (borrowed heavily from Jamie Thomson).


I'll also note that the user "pavelz" left a comment briefly describing the process they use w/ composite projects - main project for objects and sub-projects for permissions. That could work as well.

The only issue we have run into with the post-deploy process is if you enable publishing to drop permissions/logins not in the project, you could have some down time until you re-add the permissions at the end. Once set, I highly recommend turning off those options.

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Peter Schott Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 00:11

Peter Schott

Sadly, as of now sqlpackage.exe utility does not have any option of excluding a specific object. However, it does have options to exclude an entire object type.

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shilpa Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 01:11
