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SSDT Fails to build Data project after clearing out my TEMP folder

After clearing out my temp folder in an effort to free up some much needed disc space, my Sql Server Data Tools (SSDT) in Visual Studio 2012, no longer builds my data project and Schema Compare is now useless ('cause it's gotta successfully build first). I get the following error message ...

Error   187 04018: The "SqlBuildTask" task failed unexpectedly.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\gstenstrom\AppData\Local\Temp\b3546b57-815f-43e1-92a5-831cd4844026.9.tmp'.

OK so the problem is obvious; I have clearly deleted something I needed to keep. However, I cannot replace the file as it's been deleted permanently, so what do I do to fix this issue? I have been astounded as to how little information there is about this out there so far. Any help would obviously be greatly appreciated.

Looking for a Christmas Miracle here ... quick and simple!!! :)

Thank you for your help and Happy Holidays!!

like image 677
Gary O. Stenstrom Avatar asked Dec 22 '17 15:12

Gary O. Stenstrom

1 Answers

Just had the same issue. I think you figured this out as well, but just for future reference: restarting Visual Studio should fix the problem.

like image 78
S. Zwart Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 07:11

S. Zwart