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Is it possible to deploy GItLab Pages without CI/CD?

We have a locally deployed instance of Gitlab, where at the time we cannot afford to have a GitLab Runner to run CI/CD pipelines.

Is it possible to use GitLab Pages without CI/CD? E.g. is it possible to manually prepare the HTML-content, put it in the public folder in the root and make it accessible?

like image 622
roskoN Avatar asked Jul 15 '20 14:07


People also ask

Is CI CD free in GitLab?

If you have a public, open source project on GitHub you can now take advantage of free CI/CD on GitLab.com. As part of our commitment to open source, we offer all public projects our highest tier features (GitLab SaaS Ultimate) for free.

Can we deploy using GitLab?

With GitLab CI, you can flexibly specify which branches to deploy to. If you deploy to multiple environments, GitLab will conserve the history of deployments, which allows you to rollback to any previous version.

How do I skip CI GitLab?

Using the Commit Message [skip ci] The easiest way to skip a CI build is to add [skip ci] or [ci skip] to your commit message. Many CI providers support this: Travis CI. GitLab.

1 Answers

I assume you don't want to use GitLab shared runner which costs you and CI minutes limits.

Public folder

Refer to this gitlab-ci.yaml for making HTML content available https://gitlab.com/pages/plain-html/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml

Running locally without registration

Here is the known limitations: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/#limitations-of-gitlab-runner-exec

Pages are directly managed by Gitlab so running locally won't affect the page's state.

Use your own runner and register with gitlab (Possible)

Install GitLab runner on your machine and register as a runner, instructions can be found at Settings->CI/CD->Runners->Specific runner Enable it for your project or group.

I use my personal machine gitlab-runner to execute CI jobs that aren't counted towards CI minutes.

like image 198
Raghu Dinka Vijaykumar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Raghu Dinka Vijaykumar