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Grouping of users in Gitlab



I have a set of users who are common to all of the groups and projects in the company. Presently, I have to add those "common members" individually to each and every group or project. Is there any way to group them by a name, thereby adding them to groups or projects?

For example, A, B anc C are the common members and can be grouped by name X, so that X can be added, instead of individually adding A, B and C

PS: Users are from LDAP

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Rajana Deepak Avatar asked Jun 14 '18 09:06

Rajana Deepak

People also ask

Can I create groups in GitLab?

You can create a group by going to the 'Groups' tab of the GitLab dashboard and clicking the 'New group' button. Next, enter the name (required) and the optional description and group avatar. When your group has been created you are presented with the group dashboard feed, which will be empty.

What is group and subgroup in GitLab?

With GitLab Groups you can assemble related projects together and grant members access to several projects at once. A subgroup, also known as nested group or hierarchical group, is essentially a group within a group. It has the same features a top-level group has, with some limitations.

How do you add a user to a group in GitLab?

Open your project page in GitLab, then click on Settings and select Members. Type the name of the User you want to add to your project into the Select members to invite field. Select a role for the user (Refer to GitLab Permissions for details).

What is difference between group and project in GitLab?

Projects are where you'll do most of your work in GitLab. Create a group: GitLab's groups let you bunch projects together. This not only helps you organize your projects, but you can grant access to multiple projects more quickly.

1 Answers

Users are from LDAP

Aynthing LDAP related would be, interm of group synchronization, related to GitLab EE (Enterprise Edition)

But, if you can simply define main group for your common team, and subgroup for your specific teams/projects, you can use EE/CE Namespaces

In GitLab, a namespace is a unique name to be used as a user name, a group name, or a subgroup name.

  • http://gitlab.example.com/username
  • http://gitlab.example.com/groupname
  • http://gitlab.example.com/groupname/subgroup_name

For example, consider a user named Alex:

  • Alex creates an account on GitLab.com with the username alex; their profile will be accessed under https://gitlab.example.com/alex
  • Alex creates a group for their team with the groupname alex-team; the group and its projects will be accessed under https://gitlab.example.com/alex-team
  • Alex creates a subgroup of alex-team with the subgroup name marketing; this subgroup and its projects will be accessed under https://gitlab.example.com/alex-team/marketing

(Here you can replace 'alex-team' by 'common-team', or any other more descriptive name)

By doing so:

  • Any team member mentions Alex with @alex
  • Alex mentions everyone from their team with @alex-team
  • Alex mentions only the marketing team with @alex-team/marketing
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VonC Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10
