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Is it possible to define different behaviour for generic types depending on which typeclasses are implemented?



There is actually an extra layer to what I'm trying to ask, but the wording is a bit awkward. Here's an example using the YesNo typeclass from "Learn You a Haskell".

class YesNo a where
    yesno :: a -> Bool

instance YesNo Bool where
    yesno = id

instance YesNo [a] where
    yesno lst = length lst > 0

Here, the generic type is [a]. Could this code be changed so that yesno uses different logic (e.g. returns False) when a implements YesNo?

like image 643
Zantier Avatar asked Aug 04 '14 00:08


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1 Answers

The typical, and usually best, thing to do when you have a need for type classes to behave differently based on a contained element is to actually make a newtype wrapper and manually wrap the list up at the call site.

The newtype declarations would look like:

newtype AllOf a = AllOf { unAllOf :: [a] }

newtype AnyOf a = AnyOf { unAnyOf :: [a] }

And, unsurprisingly, the instances use all or any on the underlying list:

instance YesNo a => YesNo (AllOf a) where
    yesno = all yesno . unAllOf

instance YesNo a => YesNo (AnyOf a) where
    yesno = any yesno . unAnyOf

Then when you want to use the instance:

*Main> yesno (AllOf [True, True, False, True])
*Main> yesno (AnyOf [True, True, False, True])
like image 64
Thomas M. DuBuisson Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 18:11

Thomas M. DuBuisson