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Is it possible to define an F# operator that applies multiple functions to a single argument (almost the opposite of the ||> operator)?



My attempt to do this is here (forgive the for loop - I was just curious to see if this was possible):

let (|>>) a (b : ('a -> unit) list) = 
    for x in b do
        x a

but when I try to use it I get the error enter image description here

like image 948
Mark R Avatar asked Aug 16 '18 11:08

Mark R

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2 Answers

That None of the types error message can occur if the function you're trying to use is defined further down the file or isn't imported correctly. Otherwise, your function definition seems ok.

like image 166
Chad Gilbert Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Chad Gilbert

I would discourage the use of a custom operator for this. I think they should be used very rarely. This one doesn't seem general enough to be worth defining and could make code hard to read. Here is one alternative:

[ printf "%A"; printfn "%A" ] |> List.iter ((|>) 1)

But it's even clearer and shorter to write out your operator definition inline:

for f in [ printf "%A"; printfn "%A" ] do f 1
like image 41
TheQuickBrownFox Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
