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F# using XML Type Provider to modify xml

I need to process a bunch of XML documents. They are quite complex in their structure (i.e. loads of nodes), but the processing consists in changing the values for a few nodes and saving the file under a different name.

I am looking for a way to do that without having to reconstruct the output XML by explicitly instantiating all the types and passing all of the unchanged values in, but simply by copying them from the input. If the types generated automatically by the type provider were record types, I could simply create the output by let output = { input with changedNode = myNewValue }, but with the type provider I have to do let output = MyXml.MyRoot(input.UnchangedNode1, input.UnchangedNode2, myNewValue, input.UnchangedNode3, ...). This is further complicated by my changed values being in some of the nested nodes, so I have quite a lot of fluff to pass in to get to it.

like image 741
user2916547 Avatar asked Aug 26 '16 10:08


1 Answers

The F# Data type providers were primarily designed to provide easy access when reading the data, so they do not have very good story for writing data (partly, the issue is that the underlying JSON representation is quite different than the underlying XML representation).

For XML, the type provider just wraps the standard XElement types, which happen to be mutable. This means that you can actually navigate to the elements using provided types, but then use the underlying LINQ to XML to mutate the value. For example:

type X = XmlProvider<"<foos><foo a=\"1\" /><foo a=\"2\" /></foos>">

// Change the 'a' attribute of all 'foo' nodes to 1234
let doc = X.GetSample()
for f in doc.Foos do
  f.XElement.SetAttributeValue(XName.Get "a", 1234)

// Prints the modified document    

This is likely not perfect - sometimes, you'll need to change the parent element (like here, the provided f.A property is not mutable), but it might do the trick. I don't know whether this is the best way of solving the problem in general, or whether something like XSLT might be easier - it probably depends on the concrete transformations.

like image 113
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Tomas Petricek