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cumulative sum using array.fold in F#



I have an array of the following type

let myarray = [| 1 .. 5 |]

I would like to get another array where each element is a cumulative sum of elements that come before it:

let mycumarray = [| 1 3 6.. 15 |]

What I tried to do is:

let sumArray array = Array.fold (fun acc elem -> acc + elem) 0.0 array
let mycumarray = sumArray myarray

However it does not work. Does anybody have any suggestions to obtain a cumulative sum?

like image 605
İrem Erten Avatar asked May 02 '15 16:05

İrem Erten

People also ask

What is cumulative sum of array?

A cumulative sum array is one whose value at each index is the sum of all previous indexes plus itself (e.g., [1,2,3,4] becomes [1,3,6,10] ). While doing multiple range updates, all we need is to put start & end identifiers in the array for each update and, at the end, sum them all together.

What is cumulative sum example?

The cumulative sum means "how much so far". The definition of the cumulative sum is the sum of a given sequence that is increasing or getting bigger with more additions. The real example of a cumulative sum is the increasing amount of water in a swing pool.

2 Answers

I think you're looking for Array.scan, which is very similar to Array.fold, but returns all the state values instead of just the final one:

(Array.scan (+) 0 myArray).[1..]

The .[1..] is array slicer notation (see the MSDN on arrays in F#) to drop the first element, which is necessary because scan includes the initial state in the output.

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Vandroiy Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10


Array.scan is surely the best solution but you can use your fold if you want like this:

let cumList xs = 
    List.ofSeq xs 
    |> List.fold (fun (acc, ys) elem -> 
                      let acc' = acc + elem 
                      in (acc', ys @ [acc'])) 
       (0, []) 
    |> snd 
    |> List.toArray

here is your example:

> cumList [|1..5|];;                                                                                                                               
val it : int [] = [|1; 3; 6; 10; 15|]

Note that the @ is not optimal but it shows nicely what is done (if performance is important you can use List.foldBack or do :: in there and a final List.rev to get the right ordering.

Also you could use Array.append directly instead of @

making the example generic on numbers:

let inline cumList xs = 
    List.ofSeq xs 
    |> List.fold (fun (acc, ys) elem -> 
                      let acc' = acc + elem 
                      in (acc', ys @ [acc'])) 
       (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero, []) 
    |> snd 
    |> List.toArray

you see you just have to make the function inline and use GenericZero instead of 0 (which is assumed to be an int)

btw: this works too with the Array.scan approach:

let inline cumList2 xs =
    Array.scan (+) LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne xs

remark the array-slice is unnecessary in this case if you just start with 1 instead of 0!

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Random Dev Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10

Random Dev