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Is it necessary to use weak references to self always inside blocks..?

I am getting confused with use of self inside blocks, I go through some of Apple's documents but still cannot find the right answer.

Some people always say use weak self inside blocks, but some say use weak self in blocks that are copied, not neassary to use always.

Sample 1:

self.handler = ^(id response, NSError *error)
    self.newresponse = response; //use weak self here

Sample 2:

Using weak self;

__weak myViewController *weakSelf = self;

[UIView animateWithDuration:interval delay:0.0 options:curve animations:^
    [weakSelf.view.superview setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, -106)];
    //in above is it use of weak is neassary 
completion:^(BOOL finished)


Without weak self;

__weak myViewController *weakSelf = self;

[UIView animateWithDuration:interval delay:0.0 options:curve animations:^
    [myViewController.view.superview setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, -106)];

completion:^(BOOL finished)


In the above samples, which are correct…? **I am using ARC

like image 897
ShivaPrasad Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 11:11


People also ask

Should I always use weak self?

Using [weak self] is only required within situations in which capturing self strongly would end up causing a retain cycle, for example when self is being captured within a closure that's also ultimately retained by that same object.

Why do you generally create a weak reference when using self in a block?

Why? because block are mean to be executed at a later time, so it need to keep strong reference to all the object it access. Block can be executed MANY TIMES, so IT WON'T RELEASE self AFTER this ran. When you nil out the block, it will be dealloc, hence it will decrease the reference count to all the objects it access.

What is weak in Objective C?

Pointers that are not retained are often referred to as “weak” in Objective-C documentation that predates the garbage collector. These are references that are allowed to persist beyond the lifetime of the object. Unfortunately, there is no automatic way of telling whether they are still valid.

2 Answers

You should only use a weak reference to self, if self will hold on to a reference of the block.

In your example, you are not keeping a reference to your block in self, you are only using blocks inline with the UIView animateWithDuration:, and as such there is no need to use __weak myViewController *weakSelf = self;

Why is this the case? Because a block will retain strong references to any variables it uses from the class using the block. This includes self. Now if the class instance itself keeps a strong reference to the block, and the block keeps a strong reference to the class instance, you have a retain cycle, which will cause memory leaks.

like image 178
WDUK Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10


Here's some code that demonstrates @WDUK's answer:

typedef void (^SimpleBlock)();

@interface ObjectThatRetainsBlock : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, strong) SimpleBlock block;

@implementation ObjectThatRetainsBlock

- (instancetype)init {
  self = [super init];
  if (self) {
    self.block = ^{ NSLog(@"Running block in %@", self); };
  return self;

- (void)dealloc {
  NSLog(@"ObjectThatRetainsBlock is deallocated.");


@interface ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock : NSObject

@implementation ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock

- (instancetype)init {
  self = [super init];
  if (self) {
    SimpleBlock block = ^{ NSLog(@"Running block in %@", self); };
  return self;

- (void)dealloc {
  NSLog(@"ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock is deallocated.");


- (void)test {
  ObjectThatRetainsBlock *objectThatRetainsBlock =
      [[ObjectThatRetainsBlock alloc] init];
  ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock *objectThatDoesNotRetainBlock = 
      [[ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock alloc] init];

The test method prints:

Running block in <ObjectThatRetainsBlock: 0x7f95f3335e50>
Running block in <ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock: 0x7f95f3335c50>
ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock is deallocated.

Observe that in the init method of ObjectThatDoesNotRetainBlock, we create block as an ivar, but when the block goes out of scope, we don't keep a reference to it.

In the test method, when the two objects go out of scope, observe that objectThatDoesNotRetainBlock is deallocated because it is not part of a retain cycle.

On the other hand, objectThatRetainsBlock does not get deallocated, because it is part of a retain cycle. It retains the block beyond the scope of the method call.

If you want an another explanation, see this answer.

like image 10
Rose Perrone Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Rose Perrone