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Is it necessary to call a flush() (JPA interface) in this situation?

Because calling a flush() to get every entities persist from memory to database. So if I use call too much unnecessary flush(), it could take much time therefore not a good choice for the performance. Here is a scenario that I don't know when to call a flush()?

//Order and Item have Bidirectional Relationships
Order ord = New ord("my first order");
Item item = New Item("tv",10);

//...process item and ord object

em.persist(ord);//em is an instance of EntityManager
em.flush();// No.1 flush()


Set<Item> items= new HashSet<Item>();

em.flush();// No.2 flush()

My question is: calling of the No.1 flush could be avoid or not?

The things I worried is: in order to do the item.setOrder(ord), we need an database id of ord. And calling only em.persist(ord) cannot generate an database id, so I have to call the em.flush() before item.setOrder(ord). So what's your opinion guys?

Thanks in advance.

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Kewei Shang Avatar asked Jun 04 '09 09:06

Kewei Shang

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1 Answers

i should first construct the structure, and after that persist everything.

Order ord = New ord("my first order");
Item item = New Item("tv",10);


Set<Item> items= new HashSet<Item>();


In this way, you persist the whole tree in one call and is flush not needed.

In good object design, you should use the way duffymo described to wire your objects.

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Salandur Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
