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Is it better to use NOT or <> when comparing values?



Is it better to use NOT or to use <> when comparing values in VBScript?
is this:

 If NOT value1 = value2 Then 

or this:

 If value1 <> value2 Then 


EDIT: Here is my counterargument.
When looking to logically negate a Boolean value you would use the NOT operator, so this is correct:

  If NOT boolValue1 Then 

and when a comparison is made in the case of the first example a Boolean value is returned. either the values are equal True, or they are not False. So using the NOT operator would be appropriate, because you are logically negating a Boolean value.

For readability placing the comparison in parenthesis would probably help.

like image 751
Tester101 Avatar asked Dec 15 '08 20:12


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1 Answers

The latter (<>), because the meaning of the former isn't clear unless you have a perfect understanding of the order of operations as it applies to the Not and = operators: a subtlety which is easy to miss.

like image 60
Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Joel Coehoorn