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VBScript, purpose of colon?



What is the purpose of the colon?

e. g.:

Dim objConn : Set objConn = OpenConnection()` 

Is the colon used to combine the two statements into one line? I just want to be sure.

P.S.: I tried searching the answer to this question on Google with no luck.

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burnt1ce Avatar asked Jul 17 '09 18:07


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2 Answers

Yes, the code would work exactly the same on two lines; the colon's just a statement separator.

like image 139
Eifion Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10


You can put two (or more) lines of code in one line. It's most often used, as in your example, to declare and set a variable on one line.

Think of it like a semicolon in every other language, except optional.

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Matthew Groves Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Matthew Groves