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Is it bad practice to use many nested switchMap?

I have HTTP interceptor. In that interceptor, before I change the request, I need a loader to turn be turned on.
What really worries me is that I end up having lots of switchMaps.


  1. loader is asynchronous
  2. I also need to translate the message passing from interceptor to loader service. Translating messages is also asynchronous. In interceptor, I should run the request when loader and translating finishes

What I do in my loader service

public showLoader(message) {
    return this.translateService.get(message).pipe(
        switchMap((translatedMessage) => {
            this.loader$ = from(
                this.loadingController.create({ message: translatedMessage })
            return this.loader$.pipe(
                switchMap((loader) => {
                    return from(loader.present());

in my interceptor

public intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
  return this.loaderService.showLoader("WAITING").pipe(
     switchMap( ()=>{

so there are already 3 nested switchMaps. And below it, I need 2 or 3 more switchMaps (one for getting tokens from storage and one for something else). Basically end up having 5 switchMaps.

Question: Is nesting all these switchMaps considered an anti-pattern?

like image 388
Nika Kurashvili Avatar asked Feb 11 '19 20:02

Nika Kurashvili

People also ask

When would you use a switchMap?

Use mergeMap if you simply want to flatten the data into one Observable, use switchMap if you need to flatten the data into one Observable but only need the latest value and use concatMap if you need to flatten the data into one Observable and the order is important to you.

Why switchMap?

Why use switchMap ? The main difference between switchMap and other flattening operators is the cancelling effect. On each emission the previous inner observable (the result of the function you supplied) is cancelled and the new observable is subscribed. You can remember this by the phrase switch to a new observable.

What is pipe switchMap?

The switchMap operator maps each value to an observable, then it flattens all of the inner observables. It basically projects each source value to an observable which is then merged in the output observable, emitting values only from the most recently projected observable.

What is switchMap in typescript?

switchMap operator is basically a combination of two operators - switchAll and map. The map part lets you map a value from a higher-order source observable to an inner observable stream.

1 Answers

It's fine to use many switchMap especially when you need asynchronous behaviour, the bad practice is to touch things outside of the data stream.

In your code this.loader$ is an example of it, instead of using variables outside of a stream try to build a pipe that does everything you want inside of itself.

You can even omit from if this.loadingController.create and loader.present are Promise like, switchMap supports Observable, Promise, Array and Iterator.

Your code could be like that

    public showLoader(message) {
        return this.translateService.get(message).pipe(
            switchMap(translatedMessage => this.loadingController.create({message: translatedMessage})),
            switchMap(loader => loader.present()),
like image 171
satanTime Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10
