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Is it a good practice to use getter setter in angular 2 application

I am working on angular2 application in which my team member are using getter and setter to set input properties as follow

private _showModal;
@Input() set showModal(showModal){
     this._showModal = showModal;
get showModal() {
     return this._showModal;

but I am not sure its a good way to do this. I thought one should use getter setter in the case where dev have to do some validation or check or do some other function while setting or getting value

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Rhushikesh Avatar asked Apr 25 '17 12:04


2 Answers

Where we do the reading(get) and writing(get) majorly determines how much cost we pay for performance.


A setter function is called every time we write some value.

Now we generally do the writing part that calls the setters in our TypeScript Classes. So they don't get called so often unless there's a set operation, which isn't quite frequent in general.


A getter function is called every time we read some value.

getters are generally called in templates in different data binding syntax like string interpolation({{}}), property binding([---]=""), attribute binding([attr.---]=""), style binding([style.---]="") etc.

Now the catch with this is, every time Angular performs change detection, the getters get called. It's fine as long as there isn't much logic in your getter. But that still leaves a room for newer developers in the team to add logic in there without being aware of the performance hits that it's gonna create.

So in summary, from what I understand, it's okay to have setters. But having getters and it's cost on performance would mainly depend on where those getters are used. If they're used in one of the template binding syntaxes, then it's safe to NOT HAVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. If they're not being used in the template, it's okay to have them.

I've actually written an article and a few answers on various StackOverflow Threads that you might want to check out as well. So I'm adding them as a list below:

  1. Angular: Prevent DomSanizer from updating on DOM Events

  2. Angular performance: ngStyle recalculates on each click on random input

  3. Angular 7 ,Reactive Form slow response when has large data

  4. Angular Performance: DOM Event causes unnecessary function calls

  5. I changed my implementation of an EXTREMELY deeply nested Angular Reactive Form and you won’t believe what happened 🤯

Hope this gives you some perspective. :)

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SiddAjmera Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


avoid getters specifically if possible. Getters have a negative effect on change detection. In order to know whether the view should be updated, Angular needs to access the new value, compare it with the old one and make the decision on whether the view should be updated. For this reason, the value is compared and updated on every change detection cycle. This can cause performance issues and circumvents certain configurations like OnPush. If for some reason you need to transform data when an @Input() is changed in a component a setter is fine for example.

@Input('myValue') set myValue(v) {
transformValue(v) {
this.value = transforrmedValue

in this example, a setter is placed on the Input and the value is transformed every time a new myValue is pushed to the component. However, if a getter is introduced the component will check the getter every time change detection cycles anyway. You could also use other things like pipes or ngOnChange instead of setters.


as long as your component is using ChangedetectionStategy.OnPush now using a getter is fine but still avoid it if you are not using OnPush

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Vinez Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
