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Angular2: How to show inner HTML of component-tags inside of component?

I have a question for angular2. I'm creating some components and want to have something like this:

This is my DogComponent class:

    selector: "dog",
    template: "dog.template.html"
class DogComponent
    @Input() image: string;

And the template in dog.template.html:

    <!-- Content of <top> should go here -->
    <img class="after" src="dogs/{{image}}" />
    <!-- Content of <bottom> should go here -->

When I use the DogComponent, it should create the img-tag with the passed src, but also view the other HTML parts before and after the image.

So in the end, if I write this code:

<dog image="garry.png">
        <h1>This is Garry!</h1>
        <span>He is my favorite dog!</span>

it should be rendered to this:

        <h1>This is Garry!</h1>
        <img src="dog.png" />
        <span>He is my favorite dog!</span>

Does someone have the answer to my question?

It would be great!


Thanks for the advices, so now I updated my snippets and added the DogListComponent. The last snippet (Browser result), should be viewed, if I use the tag dog-list somewhere in my application. Hopefully it's now a little bit clearer.


    selector: "dog",
    templateUrl: "dog.template.html"
class DogComponent
    @Input() image: string;


    <!-- Content of <top> should go here -->
    <img class="after" src="dogs/{{image}}" />
    <!-- Content of <bottom> should go here -->


    selector: "dog-list",
    templateUrl: "dog-list.template.html"
class DogListComponent


<dog image="garry.png">
        <h1>This is Garry!</h1>
        <span>He is my favorite dog!</span>
<dog image="linda.png">
        <h1>My little Linda :)</h1>
        <span>She is my cutest dog!</span>
<dog image="rex.png">
        <h1>And here is Rex!</h1>

Browser result:

    <dog image="garry.png">
            <h1>This is Garry!</h1>
            <span>He is my favorite dog!</span>

    <dog image="linda.png">
            <h1>My little Linda :)</h1>
            <span>She is my cutest dog!</span>

    <dog image="rex.png">
            <h1>And here is Rex!</h1>
like image 946
be-ndee Avatar asked Jan 20 '17 16:01


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innerHTML strings. You only need to + sign when inserting variables, not between HTML Tags. Also, you should use " only when opening & closing part of the string and ' for attributes. Or the opposite.

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You can call child component in the parent component using the selector as directive on HTML element. Ways to call component by class and directive works same as selector as tag. It just depends on the use case required. To use selector as directive, change is required in the selector of the child component.

2 Answers

So I found my solution! I need to use <ng-content>.

dog.template.html looks like this:

    <ng-content select="top"></ng-content>
    <img class="after" src="dogs/{{image}}" />
    <ng-content select="bottom"></ng-content>

Then it will insert the specified <top>-tags and <bottom>-tags in my div.

like image 62
be-ndee Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09


Look like you misunderstand the selector role. The selector <dog></dog> will be used by other components (AppComponent for example) to display your dog component HTML. So, there is no point to use the selector in his own component HTML.

Also, if you want to use external file as template, the syntax is templateUrl and not template. so :

selector: "dog",
templateUrl: "dog.template.html" // make sure the path to the file is correct

In your dog.template.html, just put your HTML code:

    <h1>This is Garry!</h1>
    <img src="dogs/{{image}}" /> 
    <!-- the component deliver the value image (dog.png) to your template -->
    <span>He is my favorite dog!</span>

Edit to respond to your updated code. If I understand well, you have an array of dogs pictures accessible from dog_list.component.ts. You use them in your template with something like *ngFor="let picture of pictures". You don't say how your data looks like but maybe you can try this if you have an array formated like arr = [{'topTile':'This is Garry!', 'picture': 'garry.png', 'bottomTitle':'He is my favorite dog!' }, {}, ...]

 <!-- Parent component template (dog_list) --> 
   <div *ngFor="let data of arr">
            <h1>{{ data.topTitle }}</h1> <!-- This is Garry!, ... -->
        <dog [image]="data.picture"></dog><!-- Bind data to children component dog with value garry.png -->
            <span>{{ data.bottomTitle }}</span> <!-- He is my favorite dog!,... -->

For more detail, maybe angular template syntax docs could help : https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html

like image 29
mickdev Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
