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Is google-services.json confidential?

Following the guide on setting up Google Analytics in an Android app (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/) I am left wondering if this google-services.json file can safely be committed into source code versioning and pushed to a public GitHub repository or if this file may contain credentials or secrets.

I cannot find a definite answer elsewhere, but I can see that sample apps both commit the file (https://github.com/google/climb-tracker/blob/master/mobile/google-services.json) and others have added the file to their .gitignore.

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kraenhansen Avatar asked May 01 '16 07:05


People also ask

Is it safe to commit Google-services json?

Willie Chalmers III points to "Is google-services. json safe from hackers?", and adds: Yes, that API key isn't a server API key which should never be public, so it's fine if your google-services. json is visible by others.

Should I hide Google-services json?

The way that the Google plugin is set up, it will be really hard for you to hide the content of the google-services. json file. The only viable way would be to re-implement yourself what the plugin already does for you, which I wouldn't recommend.

What is Google-services json used for?

The google-services. json file created in this doc is used within your app to connect to firebase and facilitate Android Push Notifications and is normally labelled google-services.

Where does Google-services store json files?

The google-services. json file is generally placed in the app/ directory (at the root of the Android Studio app module).

2 Answers

From this post it seems there's no real reason to keep this file safe. It's data will be in the APK anyway.

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Yaron Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09


Yes. At least the api_keystuff should be kept confidential.

One way to put google-services.json into your public repository and still keep it confidential is to use BlackBox.

In your app level build.gradle put a copy task in for example defaultConfig like this:

defaultConfig {     ...     ...     copy {         from "../secret/"         into "."         include "*.json"     } } 

which will copy the file from your secret/ folder to the right spot.

Now, to build your app you'll have to run blackbox_edit_start google-services.json.gpg the first time you check out your repo, and after that you're good.

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Espen Riskedal Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Espen Riskedal