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How to use SMS content provider? Where are the docs?

I'd like to be able to read the system's SMS content provider. Basically I wanted to make an SMS messaging app, but it would only be useful if I could see past threads etc.

It seems like there's a content provider for this, but I can't find documentation for it - anyone know where that is?


-------- edit -----------

Ok I found a way to get the sms inbox provider, and I just dumped all the column names in that provider, looks like this:

Uri uriSms = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox"); Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(uriSms, null,null,null,null);   // column names for above provider: 0: _id 1: thread_id 2: address 3: person 4: date 5: protocol 6: read    7: status 8: type 9: reply_path_present 10: subject 11: body 12: service_center 13: locked 

I'm just piecing this together from random threads I find around the net, I'm really wondering where this is all documented (if at all)?

Thanks again

like image 595
Mark Avatar asked Dec 29 '09 18:12


People also ask

How do you read data from a content provider?

To retrieve data from a provider, your application needs "read access permission" for the provider. You can't request this permission at run-time; instead, you have to specify that you need this permission in your manifest, using the <uses-permission> element and the exact permission name defined by the provider.

How do you initialize a content provider?

The primary methods that need to be implemented are: onCreate() which is called to initialize the provider. query(Uri, String[], Bundle, CancellationSignal) which returns data to the caller. insert(Uri, ContentValues) which inserts new data into the content provider.

1 Answers

In addition to those u can see the list of fields in sms content provider by using following code:

private void displaySmsLog() {     Uri allMessages = Uri.parse("content://sms/");      //Cursor cursor = managedQuery(allMessages, null, null, null, null); Both are same     Cursor cursor = this.getContentResolver().query(allMessages, null,             null, null, null);      while (cursor.moveToNext()) {         for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getColumnCount(); i++) {             Log.d(cursor.getColumnName(i) + "", cursor.getString(i) + "");         }         Log.d("One row finished",                 "**************************************************");     }  } 
like image 164
Avtar Guleria Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Avtar Guleria