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Is Google Drive suitable for use as a corporate file share? [closed]

I'm not sure that this is a programming question. It would be if there was an API that allowed developers to add and remove users from a drive, for instance.

Is Google Drive only for personal use? Is there a way to make a single drive and share it with a group of users? Is there a way to create a user with read only access?

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Tom Andersen Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 00:04

Tom Andersen

2 Answers

The Google Drive web UI shares the same functionalities as the old Google Docs web UI, meaning that you can share documents and folders (collections) to specific set of users or groups with specific access (read-only, read-write, owner). The Google Drive API doesn't let you control the ACL but you can still use the Documents List API to accomplish that.

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Alain Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09


The Drive sharing model is per-file based and also per-folder based. As Alain stated for now you will have to use the Document List API to control the ACL programmatically, with which you can share entire folders of a Drive account with other people or with groups of people.

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Nicolas Garnier Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Nicolas Garnier