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Google Service account user interfece

How can I login to a Google Service account with the normal web user interface, for example to google drive ?

Now I can only login using API using script.

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ButuzGOL Avatar asked May 04 '15 05:05


1 Answers

You cant. A service account is a sudo user type thing. Yes it has a Google drive account, Google calendar ... but you cant log in to the web interface for Service accounts.

Option / work around / Tip:

There is a slight workaround. You could have the service account give your Google account access to a directory on its Google drive. Then when you login to Google Drive web you will be able to see the files. Tip: If you want to be able to interact with the files the service account will also have to grant you access to each of the files in the directory.

You can use files.patch and permissions to achieve this.

like image 157
DaImTo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
