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LinkedIn API OAuth refresh token

I am using LinkedIn API to pull updates from there and display on the website. While using OAuth, I am storing the token in a file and then pull it from there again to prevent the login popup. However, I am not clear once my token expires how will it get refreshed. Following is how I am reading the token from the file -

        $config = json_decode(file_get_contents(".service.dat"));
        if( isset($config->key) && isset($config->secret) ) {
            $this->access_token = new OAuthConsumer($config->key, $config->secret);

For authentication I have following to get request token -

function getRequestToken()
    $consumer = $this->consumer;
    $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, NULL, "GET", $this->request_token_path);
    $request->set_parameter("oauth_callback", $this->oauth_callback);
    $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $consumer, NULL);
    $headers = Array();
    $url = $request->to_url();
    $response = $this->httpRequest($url, $headers, "GET");
    parse_str($response, $response_params);
    $this->request_token = new OAuthConsumer($response_params['oauth_token'], $response_params['oauth_token_secret'], 1);

After generating token, I am generting authorize url:

function generateAuthorizeUrl()
    $consumer = $this->consumer;
    $request_token = $this->request_token;
    return $this->authorize_path . "?oauth_token=" . $request_token->key;

LinkedIn documentation states following about refresh token:

Refreshing an access token is very simple and can happen without an authorization dialog appearing for the user. In other words, it's a seamless process that doesn't affect your application's user experience. Simply have your application go through the authorization flow in order to fetch a new access token with an additional 60 day life span.

I am not clear what that means. If I have to redo all the way from obtaining request token again then wouldn't that require me to make http request again and having to popup the login screen? How do I avoid it? Will appreciate suggestion.


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JUG Avatar asked Jul 15 '17 15:07


People also ask

How do I get my LinkedIn API refresh token?

Use the Authorization Code Flow to get both a refresh token and access token. If your application is authorized for programmatic refresh tokens, the following fields are returned when you exchange the authorization code for an access token: refresh_token — Your refresh token for the application.

Does LinkedIn use OAuth?

The LinkedIn API uses OAuth 2.0 for member(user) authorization and API authentication. Applications must be authorized and authenticated before they can fetch data from LinkedIn or get access to LinkedIn member data.

What is refresh token in oauth2?

An OAuth Refresh Token is a string that the OAuth client can use to get a new access token without the user's interaction. A refresh token must not allow the client to gain any access beyond the scope of the original grant.

1 Answers

Found out. Authorization URL:


followed by the access token url:


was all that I really had to do (passing with the right parameters).

like image 154
JUG Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10