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Is fopen safe to use in public software?

I am creating a web application that I hope to release to the public for downloading and installing on anyone's own web server, however I just was informed that some webhosts disable the use of fopen in php due to "security issues", particularly on shared hosts. I use fopen during the installation process of the application, should I be concerned about this? Is this a common practice in shared hosts? If so, is there another way I can write to a file? I have heard of cURL, but this would require more advanced knowledge on the part of the end user, no? If so, this can obviously not be expected. Thanks very much!

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Ben Kulbertis Avatar asked Jul 15 '10 00:07

Ben Kulbertis

1 Answers

fopen() is never disabled. The php.ini setting "allow_url_fopen" however is. So if you only access local files, not http:// URLs via fopen() this is not really a concern.

If you need URL support you should otherwise include a HTTP request class, like the one in PEAR. This way you avoid the user-unfriendly dependency on the cURL extension module.

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mario Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09
