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How to restrict access to web application to one machine only?

I need to make sure that every users accessing my web application can do that from one machine only, so 100 users would mean 100 machines. What would be the best solution? Is detecting and storing IP during first login good idea? I think IP might change even during lifetime of the session is that right? I was also thinking of storing cookie when user first logs in. Then assigning these cookie to the user, same as I do with password and username already, and every time when accessing application checking for presence of that cookie.

Please let me know what in your opinion would be the best solution. My backend is php/mysql if that matters.

EDIT: I need to clarify... This is in addition to normal session management. I need to restrict users to be able to login to web application from one specific machine only. So if user originally logged in from his computer at work and I stored its ip/cookie/etc., then client logs out (or even not), goes home and tries to login won't be able to do that. I agree its horrible idea but client insists :)

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spirytus Avatar asked Jul 06 '10 18:07


2 Answers

IP address might change in the case of mobile clients, or clients that switch between wired and wireless networks. Your best bet would probably be to provide a randomly-generated UID to each client when it first connects (if it doesn't already have the cookie). Then you can check that the same username isn't connecting using two different UIDs.

The trick is that you need to make sure to time this UID out, so that if the user goes to another computer they aren't locked out. Perhaps one change to the UID is okay, but they can't go back to a UID that's already been used?

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Curtis Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09


You can limit to a single useragent by issuing the client with a client side SSL certificate created with the keygen element, this gets the browser to generate a key pair, keeping the private key in the user agent, then you receive an SPKAC, which you can use to openssl create a certificate, which you then send back to the user agent, it installs it and it can be used to identify the user in that specific browser only via HTTP+TLS from then on.

Anything else, simply won't work 100% - although you can hack ways that appear to work (until something goes wrong and it doesn't work) :)

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nathan Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09
