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Is `data PoE a = Empty | Pair a a` a monad?

This question comes from this answer in example of a functor that is Applicative but not a Monad: It is claimed that the

data PoE a = Empty | Pair a a deriving (Functor,Eq)

cannot have a monad instance, but I fail to see that with:

instance Applicative PoE where
    pure x = Pair x x
    Pair f g <*> Pair x y = Pair (f x) (g y)
    _        <*> _        = Empty
instance Monad PoE where
    Empty    >>= _ = Empty
    Pair x y >>= f = case (f x, f y) of 
                       (Pair x' _,Pair _ y') -> Pair x' y'
                       _ -> Empty

The actual reason why I believe this to be a monad is that it is isomorphic to Maybe (Pair a) with Pair a = P a a. They are both monads, both traversables so their composition should form a monad, too. Oh, I just found out not always.

Which counter-example failes which monad law? (and how to find that out systematically?)

edit: I did not expect such an interest in this question. Now I have to make up my mind if I accept the best example or the best answer to the "systematically" part.

Meanwhile, I want to visualize how join works for the simpler Pair a = P a a:

          ________/ \________
         /                   \
        P                     P
       / \                   / \
      1   2                 3   4

it always take the outer path, yielding P 1 4, more commonly known as a diagonal in a matrix representation. For monad associativy I need three dimensions, a tree visualization works better. Taken from chi's answer, this is the failing example for join, and how I can comprehend it.

         /                    \
       Pair                   Pair
        /\                     /\
       /  \                   /  \
    Pair  Empty           Empty  Pair
     /\                           /\
    1  2                         3  4

Now you do the join . fmap join by collapsing the lower levels first, for join . join collapse from the root.

like image 627
Franky Avatar asked Apr 09 '18 22:04


People also ask

Is a Monad a data structure?

In functional programming, a monad is a software design pattern with a structure that combines program fragments (functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation.

What is Monad used for?

A monad is an algebraic structure in category theory, and in Haskell it is used to describe computations as sequences of steps, and to handle side effects such as state and IO. Monads are abstract, and they have many useful concrete instances. Monads provide a way to structure a program.

1 Answers

Apparently, it is not a monad. One of the monad "join" laws is

join . join = join . fmap join

Hence, according to the law above, these two outputs should be equal, but they are not.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let x = Pair (Pair (Pair 1 2) Empty) (Pair Empty (Pair 7 8))
  print (join . join $ x)
  -- output: Pair 1 8
  print (join . fmap join $ x)
  -- output: Empty

The problem is that

join x      = Pair (Pair 1 2) (Pair 7 8)
fmap join x = Pair Empty Empty

Performing an additional join on those does not make them equal.

how to find that out systematically?

join . join has type m (m (m a)) -> m (m a), so I started with a triple-nested Pair-of-Pair-of-Pair, using numbers 1..8. That worked fine. Then, I tried to insert some Empty inside, and quickly found the counterexample above.

This approach was possible since a m (m (m Int)) only contains a finite amount of integers inside, and we only have constructors Pair and Empty to try.

For these checks, I find the join law easier to test than, say, associativity of >>=.

like image 62
chi Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
