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No toFloat in Haskell



I wonder if there is a function that converts rational types to Float (Rational a => a -> Float).

I tried hoogling, but found nothing.

like image 263
aelguindy Avatar asked Dec 21 '11 10:12


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2 Answers

In Haskell you don't convert to but from. See fromRational.

threeHalves :: Ratio Integer
threeHalves = 3 % 2
sqrt threeHalves -- Fails
sqrt $ fromRational threeHalves -- Succeeds

If you need a Rational -> Float function, you can define it as

toFloat x = fromRational x :: Float
like image 197
Jan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


There is also fromIntegral to convert Ints and Integers to any instance of Num.

foo :: Float -> Float
foo x = x+1

value :: Int
value = 4

newValue = foo (fromIntegral value)
like image 33
is7s Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
