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Is boost shared_ptr <XXX> thread safe?

I have a question about boost::shared_ptr<T>.

There are lots of thread.

using namespace boost;  class CResource {   // xxxxxx }  class CResourceBase { public:    void SetResource(shared_ptr<CResource> res)    {      m_Res = res;    }     shared_ptr<CResource> GetResource()    {       return m_Res;    } private:    shared_ptr<CResource> m_Res; }  CResourceBase base;  //---------------------------------------------- // Thread_A:     while (true)     {        //...        shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource = base.GetResource();        nowResource.doSomeThing();        //...     }  // Thread_B:     shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource;     base.SetResource(nowResource);     //... 


If Thread_A do not care the nowResource is the newest, will this part of code have problem?

I mean when Thread_B do not SetResource() completely, Thread_A get a wrong smart point by GetResource()?


What does thread-safe mean?

If I do not care about whether the resource is newest, will the shared_ptr<CResource> nowResource crash the program when the nowResource is released or will the problem destroy the shared_ptr<CResource>?

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user25749 Avatar asked Mar 28 '09 08:03


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1 Answers

boost::shared_ptr<> offers a certain level of thread safety. The reference count is manipulated in a thread safe manner (unless you configure boost to disable threading support).

So you can copy a shared_ptr around and the ref_count is maintained correctly. What you cannot do safely in multiple threads is modify the actual shared_ptr object instance itself from multiple threads (such as calling reset() on it from multiple threads). So your usage is not safe - you're modifying the actual shared_ptr instance in multiple threads - you'll need to have your own protection.

In my code, shared_ptr's are generally locals or parameters passed by value, so there's no issue. Getting them from one thread to another I generally use a thread-safe queue.

Of course none of this addresses the thread safety of accessing the object pointed to by the shared_ptr - that's also up to you.

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Michael Burr Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09

Michael Burr