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Is array in smarty returns error




Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "./templates/diet-report.tpl" on line 3 "{if is_array($dietcontent) }" - Unexpected " }"' in ...

I did this:

    {if is_array($dietcontent) }
    There is something..

When i output {$dietcontent} i get "Array". But on pages where i dont get "Array" I wish to output a text.

Why am i getting error?

I even tried in my controller (this above is in template) :

$data['rapportExists'] = is_array($data['dietcontent']) ? true: false;

and then in my template:

{if $rapportExists == false }

Still receives the same error unexpected }

like image 378
Karem Avatar asked Sep 16 '11 15:09


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2 Answers

You need to remove the space before }. Smarty will not permit whitespace before a closing brace, or after an opening brace. I tested this in some of my own templates and could reproduce your error by placing a space before the closing brace.

{if is_array($dietcontent) }

{if $rapportExists == false }
like image 143
Michael Berkowski Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Michael Berkowski

You can do it like:

{if $yourArray|is_array}
do something with it
like image 29
Olli Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
