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Is an outer join possible with Linq to Entity Framework

There are many examples of outer join using Linq to Sql, all of them hinging on DefaultIfEmpty() which is not supported with Linq to Entity Framework.

Does this mean that outer join is not possible with Linq to Entity using .NET 3.5 (I understand that DefaultIfEmpty is coming with 4.0 --- but that's not an option at this time for me)

Could somebody please provide a concise example using Linq to EntityFramework.

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Ralph Shillington Avatar asked Nov 20 '09 13:11

Ralph Shillington

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One commonly used feature of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the facility to combine two sequences of related data using joins. The standard join operation provides an inner join but with a minor modification can be changed to give a left outer join.

Can we use LINQ with Entity Framework?

LINQ to Entities converts Language-Integrated Queries (LINQ) queries to command tree queries, executes the queries against the Entity Framework, and returns objects that can be used by both the Entity Framework and LINQ.

How use outer join in LINQ?

A left outer join is a join in which each element of the first collection is returned, regardless of whether it has any correlated elements in the second collection. You can use LINQ to perform a left outer join by calling the DefaultIfEmpty method on the results of a group join.

Can we use joins in LINQ?

LINQ Join queries. As we know the JOIN clause is very useful when merging more than two table or object data into a single unit. It combines different source elements into one and also creates the relationship between them. Using the join, you can grab the data based on your conditions.

1 Answers

In LINQ to Entities, think in terms of relationships rather than SQL joins. Hence, the literal equivalent of a SQL outer join on an entity Person with a one to zero or one relationship to CustomerInfo would be:

var q = from p in Context.People
        select new
            Name = p.Name,
            IsPreferredCustomer = (bool?)p.CustomerInfo.IsPreferredCustomer

L2E will coalesce the join, so that if CustomerInfo is null then the whole expression evaluates to null. Hence the cast to a nullable bool, because the inferred type of non-nullable bool couldn't hold that result.

For one-to-many, you generally want a hierarchy, rather than a flat, SQL-style result set:

var q = from o in Context.Orders
        select new 
            OrderNo = o.OrderNo,
            PartNumbers = from od in o.OrderDetails
                          select od.PartNumber

This is like a left join insofar as you still get orders with no details, but it's a graph like OO rather than a set like SQL.

like image 163
Craig Stuntz Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Craig Stuntz