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How do I get previous key from SortedDictionary?

I have dictionary containing key value pairs.

SortedDictionary<int,int> dictionary=new SortedDictionary<int,int>();

I want to get previous key value pair from a known key value. In the above case, if I have key 4, then how can I get <2,20>?

like image 384
PramodChoudhari Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 05:01


People also ask

How does SortedDictionary work C#?

In C#, SortedDictionary is a generic collection which is used to store the key/value pairs in the sorted form and the sorting is done on the key. SortedDictionary is defined under System. Collection. Generic namespace.

How do you sort SortedDictionary?

We can use the OrderBy method to sort a SortedDictionary items. The OrderBy method takes a key name that items will be sorted based on.

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Dictionary and List do preserve the insertion order.

2 Answers

It's hard to implement this efficiently with a SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> since it is implemented as a binary search tree that does not expose predecessors or successors.

You could of course just enumerate each KeyValuePair until you find the "known" key. With a little bit of LINQ, this would look like (assuming the key definitely exists and isn't the first key):

SortedDictionary<int, int> dictionary = ...
int knownKey = ...

var previousKvp = dictionary.TakeWhile(kvp => kvp.Key != knownKey)

If those assumptions don't hold, you could do:

var maybePreviousKvp = dictionary.TakeWhile(kvp => kvp.Key != knownKey)
                                 .Cast<KeyValuePair<int, int>?>()

(Check that maybePreviousKvp != null to ascertain that the previous KeyValuePair was retrieved successfully.)

But this isn't going to be efficient at all.

If feasible, consider using a SortedList<TKey, TValue> instead (obviously, this may not be possible if you can't take its slower inserts and deletes). This collection supports efficient key and value-retrieval by ordered index since it is implemented as a growable array. Then your query becomes as simple as:

SortedList<int, int> dictionary = ...
int knownKey = ...

int indexOfPrevious = dictionary.IndexOfKey(knownKey) - 1;

// if "known" key exists and isn't the first key
if(indexOfPrevious >= 0)
   // Wrap these in a KeyValuePair if necessary
   int previousKey = dictionary.Keys[indexOfPrevious];
   int previousValue = dictionary.Values[indexOfPrevious];      

IndexOfKey runs a binary search on the keys-list, running in O(log n) time. Everything else should run in constant time, meaning the entire operation should run in logarithmic time.

Otherwise, you'll have to implement yourself / find a BST collection that does expose predecessors / successors.

like image 193
Ani Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10


I was also looking for an answer to this problem, and I thought a better solution than all of the answers here is to use the TreeDictionary<K, V> from the C5 Collections (GitHub/NuGet), which is an implementation of a red-black tree.

It has Predecessor/TryPredecessor and WeakPredessor/TryWeakPredecessor methods (as well as equivalent methods for successors) which does exactly what you want.

For example:

TreeDictionary<int,int> dictionary = new TreeDictionary<int,int>();

// applied to the dictionary itself, returns KeyValuePair<int,int>
var previousValue = dictionary.Predecessor(4);
Assert.Equals(previousValue.Key, 2);
Assert.Equals(previousValue.Value, 20);

// applied to the keys of the dictionary, returns key only
var previousKey = dictionary.Keys.Predecessor(4);
Assert.Equals(previousKey, 2);

// it is also possible to specify keys not in the dictionary
previousKey = dictionary.Keys.Predecessor(3);
Assert.Equals(previousKey, 2);
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rikoe Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10
