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iPhone and OpenCV





OpenCV does indeed work on the iphone. Use the configure script here to compile the library: cross compiling for iphone

You just have to cross-compile just as you do your apps.

OpenCV now (since 2012) has an official port for the iPhone (iOS).

You can find all of OpenCV's releases here.

And find install instructions here:

Tutorials & introduction for the new version 3.x

The latest build script from Computer Vision Talks works great for Xcode 4 and iOS 4.3 . I have tried the script myself and it is just awesome!

Here is opencv2.0 on iPhone iphone opencv test

OpenCV is now available as a framework for iOS. Just drag and drop into your project. It supports video capture too. See the article and get the example project here: opencv framework for ios

For the sake of transparency, I wrote this article and it is hosted on my company's website.

I haven't tried using OpenCV specifically, but I do dev for the iPhone and can say that most libraries I've tried that work on OS X DO NOT work on the iPhone out of the box. Some of them just needed a little tweaking/configuration to be done and then it was fine on the iPhone, but the reality is that the phone is missing quite a few backend components that OS X supports. Most complex libraries (OpenCV sounds like one of them) aren't going to work without a major effort - particularly since OpenCV sounds like it depends on several other external libraries as well...so those would have to be ported too.