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iOS8 Today Widget - Change title and add stuff to default

I've got the default Hello World today widget attached to one of my apps, however I can't figure out how to change the title displayed next to the app icon, or seemingly affect the contents of the view controller. I've tried adding a button, with an action to change the label text - that doesn't appear, and in IB I tried changing the text colour of "Hello World" but to no seeming affect.

No real code to show as its just the example with a button action and a few outlets connected to the storyboard.

Any ideas?

like image 956
chris Avatar asked Jun 18 '14 21:06


1 Answers

Change the CFBundleDisplayName in your info.plist file.

I'm not sure what you mean by adding button to the label text. You can't change the colour of this text.

like image 119
Enrico Susatyo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Enrico Susatyo