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PhoneGap and iPhone 6 Plus splash screen issue




Ok, so while updating my app for iOS 8 and the larger iPhones I noticed an issue that I can't figure out how to resolve.

In my PhoneGap app, I have added a new asset library in Xcode for the splash screens, I added two new images, one for the iPhone 6 portrait and one for the iPhone 6 Plus portrait.

They work and the app now doesn't scale as it did without these images.

The issue is, on the iPhone 6 Plus when the app loads, the splash screen initially appears fine, but within a second or two it changes size and is displaying off the screen, like the screen changes its size and now half of the logo is off the screen, has anyone else seen this and know how to fix it? The image is the correct size as dictated by Apple, so not sure why its changing size mid app load.

like image 668
Jason Storey Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 16:10

Jason Storey

People also ask

What is a splash screen on Iphone?

Splash screen is commonly found in iOS apps, as well as, other desktop applications. This is the first screen you see when launching an application. Usually, splash screen is an image covering the entire screen and disappears after the main screen is loaded.

How long does splash screen last?

Splash screen components Max duration for animations is 1,000 milliseconds . By default, the launcher icon is used. App icon background: It is optional.

Is splash screen necessary?

In an application we use frequently, the splash screen is much more important than we think. Every time the user enters the application, the start page appears first. This is partly related to the usage purpose, as I said.

Do splash screens work?

Leveraged correctly, Splash screens can captivate interest, convince a user to take the next step in engagement with a brand or lead directly to conversions by offering immediate value. They also provide additional benefits to some websites by essentially covering for slower page loading times in some cases.

1 Answers

The fix for this bug is appending suffix with pixelratio at the end of splashscreen image name - for example 'Default-667h.png' must be 'Default-667h@2x~iphone.png'. For iPhone 6+ pixelratio is 3, so the image name must be changed from 'Default-736h.png' to 'Default-736h@3x~iphone.png'.

like image 163
Victor Simeonov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

Victor Simeonov