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iOS7 UILabel visual glitch

I´m having trouble reproducing a visual glitch in a UITableViewController. Actually a SCTableViewController from the SensibleTableView Component.

So I´m constructing a static grouped TableView in -viewDidLoad:.

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    SCTableViewSection *sec = [SCTableViewSection sectionWithHeaderTitle:@"hdas"];

    SCLabelCell *c1 = [SCLabelCell cellWithText:@"dsan"];
    [sec addCell:c1];

    [[self tableViewModel] addSection:sec];

And what I´m seeing is a weird thin grey border on the right edge of the label. (Marked with red triangle)

Where would I look to remove this bar? Why does it even appear?

I tried setting backgroundColor, layer borders, layer shadows, textShadow etc.

iOS7 UILabel visual glitch

like image 410
user1777136 Avatar asked Sep 20 '13 10:09


2 Answers

use UILabel.backgroundColor, set label's backgroundColor raise this problem. you can fix this bug by set Layer's backgroundColor by UILabel.layer.backgroundColor.

"Setting background color as clear fixed for me." by Nuthinking. can fix this bug too. But in tableView this may be reduced performance a little.

like image 57
andaji Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


Setting background color as clear fixed for me.

like image 43
Nuthinking Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11
