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iOS - How To Remove Previously Added Sublayers Of a UIView

I have a custom view which is a subclass of UIView. I added some sublayers to the custom view but now I want remove them.

I tried doing this:

self.layer.sublayers = nil; 

But this will remove everything including the initial sublayers of the view.

Is there any way to achieve this? Or do I have to reinitialise a new custom view every time?

Note: App runs in iOS 7 and above.


like image 451
JLT Avatar asked Jun 02 '16 03:06


1 Answers

Keep a reference to the sublayer added Remove the sublayer from the super layer when not needed.

The code would be like:

Obj C:

[thesublayer removeFromSuperlayer] 


thesublayer.removeFromSuperlayer()  //thesublayer is the name of the layer you want to remove 
like image 54
luckystars Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
