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IoC and constructor over-injection anti-pattern resolution

This question is a result of a post by Jeffery Palermo on how to get around branched code and dependency injection http://jeffreypalermo.com/blog/constructor-over-injection-anti-pattern/

In his post, Jeffery has a class (public class OrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor) that takes 2 interfaces on the constructor. One is a validator IOrderValidator and an IOrderShipper interface. His method code branches after only using methods on the IOrderValidator interface and never uses anything on the IOrderShipper interface.

He suggests creating a factory that will call a static method to get the delegate of the interface. He is creating a new object in his refactored code which seems unnecessary.

I guess the crux of the issue is we are using IoC to build all our objects regardless if they're being used or not. If you instantiate an object with 2 interfaces and have code that could branch to not use one of them, how do you handle it?

In this example, we assume _validator.Validate(order) always returns false and the IOrderShipper.Ship() method is never called.

Original Code:

public class OrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor
    private readonly IOrderValidator _validator;
    private readonly IOrderShipper _shipper;

    public OrderProcessor(IOrderValidator validator, IOrderShipper shipper)
      _validator = validator;
      _shipper = shipper;

    public SuccessResult Process(Order order)
      bool isValid = _validator.Validate(order);
      if (isValid)
      return CreateStatus(isValid);

    private SuccessResult CreateStatus(bool isValid)
        return isValid ? SuccessResult.Success : SuccessResult.Failed;

public class OrderShipper : IOrderShipper
  public OrderShipper()

  public void Ship(Order order)
      //ship the order

Refactored Code

public class OrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor
    private readonly IOrderValidator _validator;

    public OrderProcessor(IOrderValidator validator)
      _validator = validator;

    public SuccessResult Process(Order order)
      bool isValid = _validator.Validate(order);
      if (isValid)
          IOrderShipper shipper = new OrderShipperFactory().GetDefault();
      return CreateStatus(isValid);

    private SuccessResult CreateStatus(bool isValid)
        return isValid ? SuccessResult.Success : SuccessResult.Failed;

public class OrderShipperFactory
    public static Func<IOrderShipper> CreationClosure;
    public IOrderShipper GetDefault()
        return CreationClosure(); //executes closure

And here is the method that configures this factory at start-up time (global.asax for ASP.NET):

private static void ConfigureFactories()
    OrderShipperFactory.CreationClosure =
        () => ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IOrderShipper>();
like image 670
Steve Wright Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 16:01

Steve Wright

People also ask

What is difference between IoC and dependency injection?

Dependency Injection is the method of providing the dependencies and Inversion of Control is the end result of Dependency Injection. IoC is a design principle where the control flow of the program is inverted.

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The IoC container that is also known as a DI Container is a framework for implementing automatic dependency injection very effectively. It manages the complete object creation and its lifetime, as well as it also injects the dependencies into the classes.

Is dependency injection an anti-pattern?

While dependency injection (aka, “DI”) is a natural technique of composing objects in OOP (known long before the term was introduced by Martin Fowler), Spring IoC, Google Guice, Java EE6 CDI, Dagger and other DI frameworks turn it into an anti-pattern.

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A basic benefit of dependency injection is decreased coupling between classes and their dependencies. By removing a client's knowledge of how its dependencies are implemented, programs become more reusable, testable and maintainable.

1 Answers

I just posted a rebuttal of Jeffrey Palermos post.

In short, we should not let concrete implementation details influence our design. That would be violating the Liskov Substitution Principle on the architectural scale.

A more elegant solution lets us keep the design by introducing a Lazy-loading OrderShipper.

like image 128
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Mark Seemann