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Invalid Page Welcome Message for Messenger Destination Ads - Facebook




I am trying to create Facebook messenger ads, I get the following error for the past 3 weeks for certain Facebook pages and newly created Facebook pages, Its really frustrating

Invalid Page Welcome Message for Messenger Destination Ads: The Message Text (page_welcome_message) is invalid for ads with Messenger as the destination.

But I don't get this error for old pages. I have enabled welcome message, instant reply and everything in facebook page message settings, still, I face this error.

like image 380
Gracie williams Avatar asked Dec 01 '18 09:12

Gracie williams

People also ask

How do I fix invalid page welcome message for Messenger destination ads?

Show activity on this post. Click on "Preview in Messenger" and wait for the message to be delivered to messenger. The error will go away after delivery.

1 Answers

I was having this problem because I was sending an image before my first message. The first automated opt-in message you send must be just text.

Also, there's a 150 character limit for the first automated messages you send (including button names), so make sure your messages fit within that limit. Once the user interacts with your bot, you can send messages with photos and messages beyond the 150 character limit.

like image 86
Mike Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10
