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Dynamically load images in create-react-app [duplicate]

I'm trying to display images in a shopping cart i'm making but its not showing up. Do i have to import each image? I know my paths are fine because it worked before.I think there might be something wrong in my product.js file but I can't figure it out.

Here is my Product.js

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

class Product extends Component {
    handleClick = () => {
        const { id, addToCart, removeFromCart, isInCart } = this.props;

        if (isInCart) {
        } else {

    render() {
        const { name, price, currency, image, url, isInCart } = this.props;

        return (
            <div className="product thumbnail">
                <img src={image} alt="product" />
                <div className="caption">
                        <a href={url}>{name}</a>
                    <div className="product__price">{price} {currency}</div>
                    <div className="product__button-wrap">
                            className={isInCart ? 'btn btn-danger' : 'btn btn-primary'}
                            {isInCart ? 'Remove' : 'Add to cart'}

Product.propTypes = {
    id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    price: PropTypes.number,
    currency: PropTypes.string,
    image: PropTypes.string,
    url: PropTypes.string,
    isInCart: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
    addToCart: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    removeFromCart: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

export default Product;

The data comes from this product.js

const data = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Reggae Blaster',
        price: 10,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: '../assets/blaster_1.png'
        id: 2,
        name: 'Juicy Blaster',
        price: 10,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: 'images/02.jpg'
        id: 4,
        name: 'Full Body Reggae Armor',
        price: 20,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: 'images/04.jpg'
        id: 6,
        name: 'Reggae Spikes Left',
        price: 5,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: 'images/06.jpg'
        id: 5,
        name: 'Reggae Spikes Right',
        price: 5,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: 'images/05.jpg'
        id: 3,
        name: 'Black Full Body Reggae Armor',
        price: 20,
        currency: 'GOLD',
        image: 'images/03.jpg'

export default data;

I am pulling all the data except the images just don't show up

like image 457
malaika Avatar asked Jul 26 '17 18:07


3 Answers

Assuming that you are using webpack, you need to import the image in order to display it like

<img src={require('images/06.jpg')} alt="product" />

Now that your image data is dynamic, directly specifying the import path like

<img src={require(image)} alt="product" />

doesn't work.

However you can import the image by making use of template literals like

<img src={require(`${image}`)} alt="product" />

So your code will look like

render() {
    const { name, price, currency, image, url, isInCart } = this.props;

    return (
        <div className="product thumbnail">
            <img src={require(`${image}`)} alt="product" />
            <div className="caption">
                    <a href={url}>{name}</a>
                <div className="product__price">{price} {currency}</div>
                <div className="product__button-wrap">
                        className={isInCart ? 'btn btn-danger' : 'btn btn-primary'}
                        {isInCart ? 'Remove' : 'Add to cart'}

P.S. Also make sure that your image path is relative to the file you are importing them in.

like image 194
Shubham Khatri Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Shubham Khatri

img src={require(${filePath})} -- working you also need to add default to get exact URL

img src={require(`${filePath}.default`)}
like image 33
Vishal Pratap Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Vishal Pratap

I adding this comment so that future guys can benefit.

So the problem I faced was I had an array of people, and I needed to display the profile picture of each person


2 files :

  • data.js which contains an exported JSON object

  • main.js which has my react component

Step#1 : data.js

in data.js import all your local image asset files that you need. ex.

import ProfilePicN from "./ProfilePicN.jpg";

export default [
    "name": "PersonN",
    "image": ProfilePicN 

*important: no quotes around the import, quotes on everything else as they are all literals


      import data from "./data.
    /*inside the react component*/
       data.map((dataItem,key)=> {
          <img src={dataItem.image}>

like image 1
Gokul Kurup Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Gokul Kurup