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Intersection of two select

I have this table :

| id | client_id | is_in |
| 1  |     1     |   0   |
| 2  |     2     |   0   |
| 3  |     1     |   1   |
| 4  |     2     |   1   |
| 5  |     3     |   1   |
| 6  |     3     |   1   |
| 7  |     1     |   0   |
| 8  |     4     |   0   |
| 9  |     4     |   0   |

And I need to get the number of clients that have 'is_in' equal to 1 at least one time and that have never had 'is_in' equal to 0 (in this case one the client_id 3).

To do so, I made two queries:

SELECT client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 1;


SELECT client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 0;

And I planned to to an INTERSECT between them so I can get the common entries between the two selects so I just need to do "number of clients with is_in = 1" - "count(of the result of the intersect)".

But INTERSECT can't be used with MYSQL, is there an alternative to INTERSECT that work in this case or a simpler way to get what I need (I'm feeling that I'm doing complicated for nothing).

Thank you.

like image 499
Gatoyu Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 23:11


1 Answers

SELECT id, client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 1 AND client_id NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 0)

Or, if you need only the client number:

SELECT DISTINCT client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 1 AND client_id NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM foo WHERE is_in = 0)
like image 69
Gianmarco Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
