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Pdo query exception on M2ePro frensh install

We have installed a new Magento install with M2ePro 6.3.6 release with no custom so far. When we click on M2ePro menu options we get following error locate on Pdo.php:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '`group`' in 'where clause', query was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `m2epro_primary_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (```group``` = '/modules/') AND (```key``` = 'm2epro')

The error is on a query generated by Magento, it is not a human generated query.

Here column group et key contain too many quotes, don't understand why.

Any idea ? config related ?

like image 226
Sylvestre SEGURON Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 02:11

Sylvestre SEGURON

1 Answers

Have you patched Magento with the SUPEE-6788 patch? If so M2EPro 6.3.6 is not compatible, upgrade to 6.3.8. The backticks are a "feature" that has been disallowed in Magento with the SUPEE-6788 patch due to the security issues arising from previously allowing them.

like image 149
Alex Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
