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MySQL Workbench import limit

I am trying to import data from a csv file to MySQL Workbench 6.3.5 using the table data import wizard. I have about 400000 rows of data but the wizard is importing only 27016 rows of data.

Is it a bug or limit on importing the data through MySQL Workbench?

like image 356
Jay Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 23:11


1 Answers

I had a similar issue with my data import.

I opened the CSV in Notepad++ and found that Excel had saved it with an ANSI encoding rather than UTF-8. When I swapped the encoding to UTF-8 it highlighted the fact that there were invalid characters on the row my import was failing on.

I manually removed these characters and the import worked perfectly. It might be worth sanitizing your input data in a similar way.

like image 142
Burgi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
