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IntelliJ IDEA output directory reverts to default target

Running IntelliJ IDEA (10.5.4). It is a Seam application.

In project structure --> artifacts --> Output directory, the default value is


I keep changing it to ......./proj/src/main/webapp , which means the web server reads from the same directories I'm editing and my changes are viewable immediately.

My trouble is that IntelliJ frequently reverts back to the default and it is getting annoying. Does anyone know how to make this stick. This "didn't use to happen" in earlier versions.

like image 852
mcgyver5 Avatar asked Feb 06 '12 15:02


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1 Answers

try uncheck "use maven output directories"

enter image description here

like image 154
孟庆猛 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
