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How to disable forced soft wraps?

When I open files with very long lines, IntelliJ forcibly wraps the lines and gives this message this document contains very long lines. soft wraps were forcibly enabled to improve editor performance.

Following the instructions from this link, I disabled soft wrapping in general editor settings, and used the help menu to create an idea.properties file, in which I added 'editor.soft.wrap.force.limit=nnnnn.


However, intellij continues to wrap these lines unless I specifically disable them in the active editor. Any suggestions?

enter image description here

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ab11 Avatar asked Feb 14 '18 15:02


People also ask

How do I enable soft wrap in IntelliJ?

Press ⇧⌘A (on Mac) or Control+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux) to open the Find Action dialog, and search for "soft-wrap". We get the option to turn on soft-wrap, which will be for this file only. You can click this option to turn soft-wrap on or off.

What is soft wrap Pycharm?

Wrap lines to eliminate the need of scrolling horizontally in order to see overly long lines. Enable soft wraps for the file types that tend to have lots of long lines (Preferences/Settings | Editor | General > Soft-wrap files).

What is soft wrap?

A soft return or soft wrap is the break resulting from line wrap or word wrap (whether automatic or manual), whereas a hard return or hard wrap is an intentional break, creating a new paragraph. With a hard return, paragraph-break formatting can (and should) be applied (either indenting or vertical whitespace).

1 Answers

You should specify some large number instead of nnnnn, like


Notice that editor may become very slow. Default limit is 10000.

like image 149
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 07:11
