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Optimal keymap while using intellij idea on linux and mac

I just started using IntelliJ IDEA and want to know what is the best keymap while using IDEA on both Linux and OS X systems. The problem is that I want to learn hotkeys for both Linux and OS x and don't know what to choose.

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Ivan Ursul Avatar asked May 28 '15 07:05

Ivan Ursul

People also ask

What is the default keymap for IntelliJ?

note. On macOS, the default keymap is macOS. There is also IntelliJ IDEA Classic, which is a legacy keymap that resembles the default keymap for Windows. Another keymap specific to macOS is macOS System Shortcuts that follows the Default Mac OS X System Key Bindings conventions.

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Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea: Press ctrl+`(also have tilde~ on it, button at the left side of digit 1). Then press 3 (Keymap) and select 2 (Eclipse). Done!

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If you choose Code | Reformat Code from the main menu or press Ctrl+Alt+L , IntelliJ IDEA tries to reformat the source code of the specified scope automatically. For more details on how to reformat, or exclude files from formatting, refer toReformat code.

1 Answers

This might be a litle bit subjective topic, but here is some information which might help you decide:

There are two main different predefined keymaps for OS X in IntelliJ (you can find them in Settings/Keymap).

  • Mac OS X
  • Mac OS X 10.5+

The Mac OS X keymap is similar to Linux/Windows keyboard. So if you need to switch between multiple systems this one is probably better for you.

The Mac OS X 10.5+ keyboard is designed to fit it into the OS X ecosystem so if you are used to general OS X shortcuts, this one will feel more natural and you will easily guess a lot of shortcuts.

Here is a reference for the Mac OS X 10.5+ keymap.

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Bohuslav Burghardt Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 08:10

Bohuslav Burghardt