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IntelliJ IDEA hangs while "Finished, saving caches"

Each time I do a make (a Java project) in IDEA, the compile process is hanging stating "Finished, saving caches". I have to kill this process before I can continue. I tried to use File -> Invalidate Caches without success.

Any ideas?

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cretzel Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 12:12


People also ask

How do I clean up IntelliJ?

To clean up the local working copy, do one of the following: Select the desired file or directory in the Project tool window and choose Subversion | Cleanup from the context menu of the selection. Open the desired file in the editor and choose VCS | Subversion | Cleanup from the main menu.

2 Answers

One more workaround is adding your mac's hostname to /etc/hosts file along with localhost like the following: localhost <hostnameOfMac> ::1       localhost <hostnameOfMac> 

This solved the problem for me.

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Manyata Goyal Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11

Manyata Goyal

According to JetBrains,

IntelliJ IDEA caches a great number of files, therefore the system cache may one day become overloaded. In certain situations the caches will never be needed again, for example, if you work with frequent short-term projects. Also, the only way to solve some conflicts is to clean out the cache.

Go to the menu File | Invalidate Caches/Restart and take it from there.


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blamblambunny Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11
