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How do I create a runnable JAR in IntelliJ as I would in Eclipse

You're facing two issues one seems major and one is minor:

  • Major: signature exception
  • Minor: size of the jar is 15 MB greater than the jar produced by eclipse.

The solution of both of the issues lies in the way you are building the artifact. First of all, remove all extracted *.jar then add all the jar's from the available elements pan as shown in the figure.

Dependencies screenshot

It is obvious that adding packaged(compressed) jars only, will decrease the size. But it also solves the signing issue. For more explanation, please have a look at this article. I'll only quote one line.

It's probably best to keep the official jar as is and just add it as a dependency in the manifest file......

It seems that some of the dependencies are signed and repackaging messes up the META-INF of your project.

If you are using Maven you need to put META-INF directory under /main/resources folder instead of main/java.

Reference: Intellij - Nikolay Chashnikov

Then you can execute the runnable jar normally with java -jar filename.jar

You can these steps:

1) File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Artifacts -> Jar -> From modules with dependencies

2) Check the Include in project build checkbox.

3) Right mouse click on module -> build module 'ModuleName'