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Instantiate ResourceDictionary xaml from other Assembly

I have defined a Reource Dictionary in a WPF Class Library containing colors and brushes, called BrushResources.xaml.

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
    <Lots of Colors and Brushes here>

I want to use some of the Brushes in code from another assembly, which references this library project. How do get an Instance of ResourceDictionary of it?

like image 744
metacircle Avatar asked Mar 21 '13 13:03


1 Answers

What you're asking is a component of the functionality necessary to provide true skinning in an application. Getting resources from a separate assembly involves reading the compiled XAML, or BAML from the other assembly. Here is a method I use in a skinning library to retrieve the BAML from an assembly:

//Relevant Namespaces:
//using System.Windows.Baml2006;
//using System.Xaml;

public static List<Stream> GetBamlStreams(AssemblyName skinAssemblyName) 
    List<Stream> bamlStreams = new List<Stream>(); 
    Assembly skinAssembly = Assembly.Load(skinAssemblyName); 
    string[] resourceDictionaries = skinAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); 
    foreach (string resourceName in resourceDictionaries) 
        ManifestResourceInfo info = skinAssembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName); 
        if (info.ResourceLocation != ResourceLocation.ContainedInAnotherAssembly) 
            Stream resourceStream = skinAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName); 
            using (ResourceReader reader = new ResourceReader(resourceStream)) 
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in reader) 
                    //TODO: Figure out if this is a ResourceDictionary I care about
                    //Key will be name of the RD (BrushResources.baml, in your case)
                    if (IsRelevantResource(entry)) 
                         bamlStreams.Add(entry.Value as Stream); 
    return bamlStreams; 

Then, to convert the BAML to specific resources, you do the following:

//If .NET 3.5, need this initialization:
//Type xamlType = typeof(System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader);
//LoadBamlMethod = xamlType.GetMethod(LOAD_BAML_METHOD, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

public static T LoadBaml<T>(Stream stream) 
    //For .net 3.5: 
    //ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext(); 
    //object[] parameters = new object[] { stream, parserContext, null, false }; 
    //object bamlRoot = LoadBamlMethod.Invoke(null, parameters); 
    //return (T)bamlRoot; 

    //For .net 4.0
    var reader = new Baml2006Reader(stream); 
    var writer = new XamlObjectWriter(reader.SchemaContext); 
    while (reader.Read()) 
    return (T)writer.Result; 

And in order to merge the resources from the other assembly into the current assembly:

private void LoadResources() 
    List<Stream> bamlStreams = GetBamlStreams(FullName); 
    foreach (Stream stream in bamlStreams) 
        ResourceDictionary rd = LoadBaml<ResourceDictionary>(stream);

This example does the work in a very generic manner for skinning purposes, but you can streamline this to accomplish your specific goal if necessary. You can see a skinning library that uses this method here on github, with a few examples to demonstrate.

like image 130
Brian S Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Brian S