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Installing TestFlight on iOS 7

After upgrading my iPhone 5 to iOS 7 beta, it seems I have to re-connect it to Testflight. Unfortunately, I can't install the provisioning profile:

After selecting 'Reconnect Device', 'Install Profile', 'Install Now', the alert is 'Profile Installation Failed. You iPhone is not activated'

I tried to remove the previous profiles, clear Safari cache and reboot, but no success...

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user1545704 Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 00:06


People also ask

Is there an alternative to TestFlight?

HockeyApp, TestFairy, Crashlytics, Fabric, and Buddybuild are the most popular alternatives and competitors to TestFlight.

How do I fix TestFlight unavailable?

Turn Wi-Fi off or connect mobile network. Delete and reinstall TestFlight. Remove any zeros from the build number and resubmit the build. Change the build number and resubmit the new build.

1 Answers

Short answer - Go to TestFlight directly on Mobile Safari and use the TestFlight CocoaPod.

We got TestFlight working on the latest iOS 7 build. The TestFlight "app" that installs doesn't work, but manually visiting the TestFlight site in Mobile Safari allows you to install the profile and load the app. Nothing special needed. It sometimes takes a few tries loading the profile to get it to actually load.

Also, loading our apps into TestFlight wasn't working, so we started using the TestFlight CocoaPod and it works great.

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Joshua Dance Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Joshua Dance