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Install zsh without root access? [closed]

Is it possible (and how)? I really need this for several remote computers where I've got ssh access (but no root access).

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Jooj Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 11:03


People also ask

Should I install zsh Before oh my zsh?

Step 1: Install and Setup ZSH The first step before configuring the oh-my-zsh framework is to ensure we have the ZSH shell installed. By default, ZSH does not come pre-installed in most Linux distributions, and you will need to install it manually.

Can I install zsh on Linux?

Some Linux systems come preloaded with zsh. You can check if it exists as well as its version by writing zsh --version in a terminal window. In case this zsh version is ok for you, you're done now!

Can you install zsh on Windows?

There are 2 options to install zsh on Windows. We can either install zsh on WSL or replace the git bash shell with zsh. See Git Bash vs WSL.

1 Answers

Download zsh with:

wget -O zsh.tar.xz https://sourceforge.net/projects/zsh/files/latest/download mkdir zsh && unxz zsh.tar.xz && tar -xvf zsh.tar -C zsh --strip-components 1 cd zsh 

You can compile zsh yourself, for example:

./configure --prefix=$HOME make make install 

and then start it explicitly, or programmatically from your current shell's startup file (put exec $HOME/bin/zsh -l in the right spot).

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Jens Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
