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Inspect element Chrome CSS changes lost on refresh

This might be a weird question but i do this often enough that I'm going to ask, When i am making some adjustments to the look of my web page via CSS I often just inspect element and put in the changes and then when it looks right i copy and paste those changes back to my css sheet and save (the css files are located on my remote server uploaded with FTP), occasionally i accidently refresh the page without the css properly copied and loose my css, is there a way to "get back those changes after refreshing my page or is there a tool i could use to automatically save/back them up so they don't get lost?

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Yehuda Schwartz Avatar asked Aug 11 '17 16:08

Yehuda Schwartz

People also ask

How do I refresh a page without changing inspect element?

Right click on the element of interest then click inspect. Navigate to the Sources tab. Click the pause button (or press F8 or Ctrl + ). Page will no longer refresh.

1 Answers

You can do this with DevTools Workspaces: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/workspaces/

You can only make changes to CSS in a file, not inline CSS or HTML markup.

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Our_Benefactors Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
