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Insecure HTTP Methods Enabled - How to disable

We are running rational app scan on our app URL and it comes back with the following result:

It seems that the web server is configured to allow one (or more) of the following HTTP methods (verbs) - DELETE - SEARCH - COPY - MOVE - PROPFIND - PROPPATCH - MKCOL - LOCK - UNLOCK - PUT

To fix this I added a RewriteRule to forbid any of these methods. Now when I test manually I get response code 403:

curl -X PUT https://someurl.com/somecontext/somepage.xhtml

<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>You don't have permission to access /somecontext/somepage.xhtml
on this server.</p>

But rational app scan still shows this as a problem. Has anyone encountered the same problem. This URL goes to a tomcat backend via AJP. Would appreciate solution for this.

PS: I had Limit and LimitExcept in mind but I am not sure if it will block the requests that go via mod_proxy or mod_jk

like image 442
dOps Avatar asked Apr 12 '13 12:04


1 Answers

The simple solution that worked in the end

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [R=405,L]

This keeps the app scan happy (and me as well)

like image 193
dOps Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
