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How to log memory usage of an Django app per request

Do you know about an efficient way to log memory usage of a django app per request ?

I have an apache/mod_wsgi/django stack, which runs usually well, but sometimes one process ends up eating a huge lot of memory. The servers ends up being short on mem, swapping a lot, and services are dramatically slowed down.

This situation is quite hard to fix because I don't know which request is to be blamed for this behavior, I can't reproduce it.

I'd like to have something deployed in production which logs the memory usage of the process before and after each request, with minimal overhead.

Before I start reinventing the wheel, do the community of my fellow djangoists know any existing solution to address this problem ? Advices, middleware, snippet or maybe apache log configuration appreciated.

What (I think) I don't need is:

  • a set of dev-stage profiling/debugging tools, I already know some and I'd use them if I knew what to profile/debug, it looks a little bit too much to be forever monitoring services running in production. On top of that, what is usually displayed by those tol is a mem usage report of the code shred to pieces, It would really be helpful to just pinpoint the faulty request.
  • generic advices on how to optimize mem usage of a django app, well it's always good to read, but the idea here is rather «how to efficiently track down requests which need to be optimized».

My closest search results:

  • Django / WSGI - How to profile partial request? My profiling tools are per-request but app runs out of memory before then
  • Django memory usage going up with every request
  • Average php memory usage per request?
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ddelemeny Avatar asked Sep 03 '12 13:09


2 Answers

A Django middleware for tracking memory usage and generating a usable result immediately, needs to hook both process request and process response. In other words, look at difference between start and finish of request and log a warning if exceeds some threshold.

A complete middleware example is:

import os
import psutil
import sys

THRESHOLD = 2*1024*1024

class MemoryUsageMiddleware(object):

    def process_request(self, request):
        request._mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info()

   def process_response(self, request, response):
        mem = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info()
        diff = mem.rss - request._mem.rss
        if diff > THRESHOLD:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'MEMORY USAGE %r' % ((diff, request.path),)
        return response

This requires the 'psutil' module to be installed for doing memory calculation.

Is brute force and can lead to false positives in a multithread system. Because of lazy loading, you will also see it trigger on first few requests against new process as stuff loads up.

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Graham Dumpleton Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Graham Dumpleton

This may not fully cover your question, but I recommend trying nginx+uwsgi instead of apache2+mod_wsgi. In my tests it turned out to be much more stable (mod_wsgi choked at some point completely), much faster and uses a lot less memory (it may just fix all your issues altogether).

About tracking memory usage, you can create a simple middleware:

class SaveMemoryUsageMiddleware(object):
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        # track memory usage here and append to file or db
        return response

and add it to your middlewares.

For memory tracking code I recommend checking out: Total memory used by Python process?

However, it would probably be better if you could avoid doing this on production. Just for dev and tests to track down real problem.

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arkens Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
